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Dearest Santa,


Were you happy to hear I wanted absolutely nothing this year? That meant more for others, right? And more time for you to enjoy cookies and milk somewhere, right?


Guess why I didn’t want anything this year, Santa. It’s because I made a conscious decision to:

  • Enjoy this season instead of stressing over unrealistic, self-imposed “shoulds”.

  • Embrace the spirit of the holidays, not just the gift giving.

  • Participate in as many fun activities with the boys as possible leading up to Christmas Day.

  • Use my tools: conscious breathing, Morning Pages, warm baths, healing music, etc.

  • Reach out to various loved ones daily and express my love and gratitude to them.

  • Surround myself in laughter; I spent time with the little ones who guarantee laughter and the

    friends who do the same…especially those who find me funny!

  • Let go of more of the unnecessary stuff in my life (yes, there is still some left!)

  • Make time to read meaningful books and articles.

  • Disappear from any chaos.

  • Eliminate expectations!

  • Give myself and others grace this season. Chill!


It worked, Santa! It was the best Christmas in years because being is more joyful than wanting!


With gratitude,


Amy Ayoub

President, The Zen Speaker |

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